MILANO ( – 51% of the companies listed on AIM are in Lombardy, with a turnover of 2 billion euro (equal to 42% of the market). “From the results of AIM Italia Osservatorio – commented Anna Lambiase, Founder and CEO of IR Top Consulting – it emerges that Lombardy is the most important region in terms of capital raised in IPO (2.5 billion euro), turnover (2.0 billion euros) and market capitalisation (4.0 billion euros, equal to 50%). The region also ranks first for dynamism in terms of n. IPOs and deposits in the first 8 months of 2018: 15 companies have arrived, of which 14 are IPOs (67% of the 21 total IPOs) with a collection equal to 1.2 billion euro (93% of the total).” “A listed company from Lombardy – adds Lambiase – is characterised by positive financial results, with an average EBITDA growth of + 39% in 2017 and EBITDA Margin (16%) higher than the AIM average (13.7%). The sectors most represented by number of companies are: Finance, Technology and Media. The AIM market, with an overall inflow of over € 4 billion since 2009, represents for Italy a stock market that greatly supports the growth of SMEs. An IPO on AIM Italia is an option worth considering, especially for SMEs wishing to invest in their growth without losing control of the company: the listing process is an opportunity for great visibility with significant returns. Moreover, starting from this year, companies’ access to the capital market is facilitated: incentives for listing, introduced by the Budget Law 2018, reduce costs in tax operations and is supported until 2020. Based on the great demand for quotation, and managed by our advisory division, we expect further growth in placements in this region.” The 58 listed companies in Lombardy (including 14 Spac) are: 4AIM SICAF, Abitare In, Agatos, Alfio Bardolla Training Group, Alkemy, ALP.I, Ambromobiliare, Archimede, Assiteca, axélero, Blue Financial Communication, Bomi Italia, Caleido Group, Capital For Progress 2, Casta Diva Group, Costamp Group, Culti Milano, DHH, Digital Magics, Digital360, DigiTouch, EPS Equita PEP 2, Equita Group, Esautomotion, First Capital, Frendy Energy, Gabelli Value for Italy, Grifal, Icf Group, IDeaMI, Industrial Stars of Italy 3, Iniziative Bresciane, Innova Italy 1, Innovatec, Intred, Italian Wine Brands, KOLINPHARMA, Life Care Capital, Longino & Cardenal, MailUp, Neodecortech, Orsero, Piteco, Safe Bag, SCM SIM, SG Company, Softec,, Spactiv, Spaxs, SprintItaly, TheSpac, TPS, Vei 1, Visibilia Editore, Wiit, WM Capital, Zephyro.