Section dedicated to green companies needing capital to expand their businesses.
Contact form

    Company (*)

    Core business (*)

    Contact person (*)

    E-mail (*)


    Type of request

    Autorizzo il trattamento dei miei dati personali

    Fields marked (*) are compulsory.

    Notice pursuant to art. 10 of Law 675/96
    According to Law 675/96 regarding the protection of personal data, we hereby give notice that the personal data you supply us (sensitive data not included) by sending this email, shall be acquired via electronic and/or automated instruments.

    Apart from being used to respond to your queries, such data shall only be used for internal statistical purposes. It shall not be disclosed to external companies without your consent. You shall retain your rights as per art. 13 of Law 675/96 including, by way of example, the right to access, correct, integrate and cancel your data.

    By pressing the SEND button you confirm you have read this message and have given your consent to the treatment of your personal data described above.