Vito Maraula
Aug 14, 2018, 11:13 AM (9 days ago)
to Anna, Domenico, Gianluca, Claudia, Luisa, Cardelli, Maria
AIM Italia Osservatorio. M & A operations of 316 million between 2017 and 2018
MILANO ( – There have been 170 extraordinary transactions carried out by the SMEs listed on AIM, between 2017 and the first half of 2018. The total value of these transactions is equal to 316 million euros, of which 53 million only in 2018. Fifty (49% of the total) companies have carried out M & A actions (acquisitions, mergers, disposals, JVs, acquisitions/leasing of business units, reverse takeovers). The average value of the transactions is equal to 8.5 million euro in 2017 (2.1 million euro the average value) and 2.8 million euro in 2018 (2.5 million euro the average value). This is what emerges from the surveys of the Aim Italia Osservatorio of IR Top Consulting. “The most active companies in terms of M & A, with more than 5 transactions carried out were: GPI (17), Bomi Italia (14), DHH (9), Assiteca, Ecosuntek and Prismi (7)”, explains Anna Lambiase, Managing Director of IR Top Consulting. “60% of extraordinary transactions are acquisitions, 14% sales and 11% mergers. The main extraordinary transactions include: Costamp Group, a company resulting from the transfer to Modelleria Brambilla of Co.Stamp Tools Srl from Co.Stamp Srl; the merger of Gambero Rosso and Class Editori, which launched a float on the company; a mandatory public tender offer launched by Edison on Zephyro, created by the Business Combination of the SPAC GreenItaly1.”
Orsero, continues the purchase of treasury shares
MILAN ( – Between July 30 and August 3, Orsero purchased 5,000 treasury shares at an average price of 7.5686 euros per share. As of 6 August, the company owns 727,387 treasury shares, equal to 4.1414% of the share capital.
Enertronica reimburses the expiring bond loan
MILAN ( – The ‘Enertronica 5,00% 2016-2018’ bond loan, with an original nominal amount of 8,002,800 euros, consisting of 1,482 bonds, has expired and was repaid. The loan, reserved only for qualified investors, has also been paid, together with the nominal value, and also the coupon with interest rate.
Focus AIM: 7 August
MILAN ( – The total traded turnover today is equal to 10,881,535 euros; the FTSE AIM Italia recorded a performance of + 0.20% at 9,578.30 points, the FTSE Italia PIR PMI All with + 0.35%. 28 shares that closed the session with a positive performance, on average equal to 1.93%. The 5 best performances of the day: Net Insurance: 8.71% Enertronica: 7.44% Ki Group: 4.55% Prismi: 3.31% Vetrya: 2.75% At sector level the best performance today was recorded in the Renewable Energy and Energy sector (+ 0.73% on average), followed by the Food sector (+ 0.56%) and the Fashion and Luxury sector (+ 0.43%). Sector Performance: Renewable Energy and Energies: 0.73% Food: 0.56% Fashion and Luxury: 0.43% Technology: 0.43% Chemistry: 0.37% Finance: 0.25% Industry: 0.22% Healthcare: 0.08% Telecommunications: -0.06% Services: -0.57% Average: -0.82% * Sector classification by IR TOP Research Department News of the Day GO Internet, number of customers grow Control of PK Elettronica to SMRE
THE AIM COMPANIES: 4AIM SICAF: 0,00% Abitare In: 0,11% Agatos: 0,00% Alfio Bardolla Training Group: 0,00% Alkemy: 0,86% Alp.I: 0,00% Ambromobiliare: 0,00% Archimede: 0,00% Askoll EVA: -1,74% Assiteca: 0,00% axélero: 0,00% BioDue: 0,73% Bio-on: 0,37% Blue Financial Communication: 0,00% Bomi Italia: -0,65% Caleido Group: -2,26% Capital For Progress 2: 0,00% Casta Diva Group: 0,00% CdR Advance Capital: 0,00% Cellularline: -0,60% CFT: 1,84% Clabo: 0,00% Costamp Group: 0,00% Cover 50: 0,00% Culti Milano: -4,43% DBA Group: 0,00% DHH: 0,00% Digital Magics: -1,59% Digital360: 0,00% DigiTouch: 0,00% Ecosuntek: 0,64% Elettra Investimenti: -0,49% Energica Motor Company: 1,30% Energy Lab: 0,00% Enertronica: 7,44% EPS Equita PEP 2: 0,61% Equita Group: -1,25% Esautomotion: -0,24% Expert System: -0,41% Fervi: 0,00% Finlogic: 0,00% Fintel Energia Group: 0,00% First Capital: 0,00% FOPE: 0,00% Frendy Energy: 0,00% Gabelli Value for Italy: 0,00% Gambero Rosso: 0,00% Gel: 0,00% Giorgio Fedon & Figli: 0,00% GO Internet: 0,72% GPI: 0,43% Grifal: 1,46% Gruppo Green Power: 1,81% Health Italia: 0,00% H-FARM: -0,55% Icf Group: 1,40% IdeaMi: 0,00% Illa: 1,99% Imvest: 0,00% Industrial Stars of Italy 3: 0,00% Iniziative Bresciane: 0,00% Innova Italy 1: 0,97% Innovatec: -0,63% Intred: -0,85% Italia Independent Group: 2,16% Italian Wine Brands: 2,41% Ki Group: 4,55% Kolinpharma: 0,00% Leone Film Group: 0,00% Life Care Capital: 0,00% Longino & Cardenal: -3,38% Lucisano Media Group: -4,67% MailUp: -0,45% Masi Agricola: 0,00% Mondo TV France: -1,99% Mondo TV Suisse: 0,00% Monnalisa: 0,00% Neodecortech: 0,00% Net Insurance: 8,71% Neurosoft: 0,00% Notorious Pictures: -0,90% Orsero: -0,79% Pharmanutra: 0,00% Piteco: 0,00% PLT Energia: 0,00% Poligrafici Printing: 0,00% Portale Sardegna: 0,00% Portobello: 0,30% Prismi: 3,31% Rosetti Marino: 0,00% S.M.R.E.: 1,33% Safe Bag: 1,75% Sciuker Frames: 1,18% SCM SIM: 0,00% Sit: -0,97% SITI B&T Group: 2,17% SG Company: -1,42% Softec: -0,67% Somec: 0,00% -3,30% Spactiv: 0,00% Spaxs: 0,00% Sprintitaly: 0,62% Telesia: 0,00% TheSpac: -1,01% TPS: 0,00% Vei 1: 0,00% Vetrya: 2,75% Vimi Fasteners: -0,55% Visibilia Editore: -4,36% WIIT: 0,00% WM Capital: -0,73% Zephyro: 0,00%