MILANO ( – The Costamp Group shareholders’ meeting approved the 2017 financial statements, resolving to cover the loss for the year of 149,498.78 euros by using the extraordinary reserves. The meeting also appointed the Board of Statutory Auditors that will remain in office until approval of the 2020 budget, and which will be composed of Paolo Antonio Comuzzi (President), Lucilla Dodesini and Umberto Callegari (effective supervisors), Cristiano Fracassi and Marzia Galli (alternative auditors). The extraordinary shareholders’ meeting approved a double capital increase to be subscribed by the end of the year: the first will be an amount up to 5 million with the exclusion of the option right to be offered to qualified and institutional investors, and a second one, up to 4.99 million euros, to be reserved as an option to the shareholders, with a maximum issue of 1,666,333 ordinary shares. “Both capital increases are aimed at providing Costamp Group with the financial resources necessary to implement a growth policy for both internal lines and external lines within its reference market”, explains the company note.