IR Top Group

Logo IrTop ColophonIR Top, Equity Market Partner of Borsa Italiana LSE, is a leader in Italy in the field of specialised Investor Relations consulting services with focus on listed companies.
Founded in 2001, IR Top supports companies in building and managing their relations with capital markets, through the development of financial and institutional communication strategies. The company has developed a high degree of expertise in the Green Economy: it has provided support to companies in the listing process and it has facilitated equity investments in SMEs by institutional investors.
IR Top assists companies with the process of implementing financial and informational reporting strategies for the purposes of improving dialogue with banks, facilitating equity investments by institutional investors and managing the stock market listing process.
IR Top team is made of professionals who have many years of capital markets experience (both risk and debt capital). IR Top issues Journal of IR, the Italian magazine specialized on Investor Relations.
vedogreen-logoVedoGreen, a company of the IR Top Group, specialised in financing for quoted and private green enterprises was established in 2011 and produced the first report focusing on the “Green Economy on capital markets”.
The portal was established as a reference point for international finance, in which green investors can choose the most desirable business models and monitor trends and new issues in the sector. The presence of a dedicated section to profiles of listed and non-listed green companies provides a priority interface to access the world of institutional investors specialised in the sector and to attract investment solutions suitable to grow innovative projects. VedoGreen encourages the development of businesses who wish to avail of Private Equity funds and operates as an advisor for the listing on the Stock Market.It invests directly in green companies with ethical and sustainable finance criteria.
 To contact us please send an email to: or call +39 02 45473884.