MILANO ( – The SMRE shareholders’ meeting approved the financial statements of the group specialising in technological solutions in the Automation and Smart Mobility sectors. In 2017, the value of production increased by 76% to 19.7 million in 2017, while the margin went from 1.1 to 1.7 million (+ 58%), and the net result was negative with 445.000 euros (467.000 euros of red a year before). The pfn is equal to € 2.9 million, shareholders’ equity of € 16.3 million. At a statutory level, the net result is equal to -0.4 million, the net profit at -2.1 million (with a change compared to 2016 of euro 3.2 million due mainly to the M & A transactions during the year) and the shareholders’ equity of € 16.3 million (€ 11 million at the end of 2016) due to the entry of Mr. Tan Hao into the company (with a total contribution of € 3.0 million) and of the partial conversion of the bond loan by the fund Atlas (for 2.4 million euros).